You can either be successful or be us

I know that ASIMO is really not much more intelligent than that R2-D2 toy that I used to have follow me around. But check out the videos of him on the official US Honda ASIMO page and tell me that it is not uncannily close to passing for human.

At this rate, imagine what kind of commands he will be able to carry out for you within ten years. For example:

Me: ASIMO, do my laundry.

ASIMO: I would like to do your laundry, Ray, but your change jar only has six quarters and the laundry machines require nine.

Me: ASIMO, go get the quarters from the change compartment in my car.

ASIMO: I will go get the quarters from the change compartment in your car, Ray.


ASIMO: I am here with the quarters from the change compartment in your car, Ray.

Me: Thanks, ASIMO. Now do my laundry.

ASIMO: I will go do your laundry, Ray.

Do you see what I mean? Even if the first generation of robots are idiots, life gets better for everyone. And when they can think at human levels of intelligence, no one will ever have to work anymore. And then when they can think above human-level, we will sit back and watch as wealth reaches unimaginable levels and its distribution becomes perfectly equal.

That will free up plenty of time to make preparations.